Dear Brotherhood of Light and of course Dad,

Sometimes, looking at what we do as humanity, my hearty sinks. And of course I know this has always been the case, but times are different and difficult nowadays. So much filth coming to the surface. Just think of all those reports now about child abuse, child sex trafficking and gruesome practices. There’s so much more and it’s so much bigger than I imagined. Man’s greed has reached to a point that it seems like a volcano erupting all sorts of ways: the inhuman inequalities become so visible. Every day I send my light into the universe wishing that each person learns to listen to his or her own heart again and start to speak from that heart.

‘Hi dear Bon, there are many of us here and yes the growing pains are not a pleasant sight. Compare it to giving birth, contractions are hard, but as you also know something can’t be born if you haven’t endured the contractions.’

Nice comparison Dad, for you know I was such a hero in giving birth…Who invented it anyway 😉

‘Do you remember Bon, that during your pregnancies you wanted everything to be in a certain way? That you just couldn’t -and still can’t- stand injustice, that you became hypersensitive to sharp and wrong words and that you literally were building a nest in which you could receive your child?’

Yes, I remember that very well, Dad.

‘Well, mankind is currently pregnant. This means that anything that doesn’t fit should be cleaned up. These contractions last and give violent waves of fear, impotence and doubt. And it also gives strength and courage to go through them. For you know instinctively it has to be done. Earth and mankind cannot do otherwise because this is the time, and it has been known for so long, in which a new child is born. This child is figurative of course, it is the child of deep compassion and knows his/her own essence. Yes, also the children already living on earth must be saved. So many are abused and oppressed in terrible ways. The child within you will be born again. We do not talk right and we do not condemn either. We know what happens to a soul when it is so lost and has lost all memories of its own divinity.

How can you return to innocence, as a human being and as mankind? Back to the innocence of a child? First you have to go through the layers of awareness in which man’s creations become more visible. Then you go along the path of forgiveness and deep understanding. Only then the child within you can be born again, washed clean, with the layers of unconsciousness washed away.

And all this can happen in one divine moment. The time is now, the world is changing. And with God, everything is possible. Give your trust to the Divine and feel how anything is possible.

Man is here to become aware of his/her own creative power and there are moments when it is time to enter a new phase. And in that single moment, God changes everything. In an instant. To open the gates, to take care of the wounds so they can heal, mankind can heal. To give people a voice that tells them things can be different. To blow courage in our hearts so that we clean up in ourselves and around us….

Hang on, and be brave in these times of travail, you are on the way to a new time. And remember; with God, anything is possible.’

Thank you Dad, we need these words of hope and courage. Looking back at the births of my children I remember that with each contraction I thought that I would not survive another one. And what a gift came after the contractions…..

Thank you very much.

<3 Bonnie



Liefde is de vlam die de ziel doet ontvlammen

Irene - de Levensinitiaties en Heelwording

Na de Levensinitiaties ben ik Heelwording aan het volgen. Wat een diepgaande transformatie vindt er in mij plaats. Ik vind mijn essentie en kracht om te leven vanuit mijn ziel en ben steeds minder bang om daadwerkelijk die stappen te zetten.

Jennecke - Mystieke avonden

Heerlijke avonden waarbij ik kan herbronnen en geinspireerd raak door de teksten en muziek, telkens weer. De meditaties voelen voor mij diep en helend op een heel laagdrempelige manier. Ik kan het van harte aanbevelen.

Ilona Sitskoorn - Ibiza retraite

De diepgang in een retraite als deze ontstaat alleen als je door ware leermeesters begeleid wordt. En dat zijn jullie Bonnie en Irina! De plaatsen waar jullie mij naar toe hebben begeleid, hebben wederom voor mooie inzichten gezorgd. Ik heb nu op een nog diepere laag ervaren wat thuiskomen bij jezelf betekent. Ik ben dankbaar dat ik jullie al jaren ken en ik hoop nog heel lang met jullie mee te mogen lopen op dit pad. Elke retraite opnieuw word ik nog een laag dieper begeleid. Dank jullie wel, jullie zijn magisch…

Karijn Kees - Ibiza & mystieke transformatie retraite

Tijdens deze retreat heb ik voor eens en altijd ervaren dat je nooit alleen bent. Dat er vanuit de ongeziene wereld altijd hulp in overvloed is. Bonnie en Irina zijn docenten die je vanuit directe inspiratie, liefdevol en vastberaden begeleiden tijdens levensveranderende sessies.
De locatie is bovendien prachtig en er wordt heerlijk vegetarisch voor je gekookt.
Voor mij zijn er tijdens deze retraite werelden geopend waar ik het bestaan niet van wist. En ik dacht dat ik al veel had ervaren.

Sandra - mystieke transformatie retraite
Magische ervaring! Ik heb meerdere retraites mogen ervaren maar deze overtrof alles. Mooie cirkels, persoonlijke reading en nog meer bewustwording op wie ik nu eigenlijk ben. Genoeg aandacht van Bonnie & Irina, ruimte voor contemplatie. Bovendien was de locatie ook prachtig. Rustige omgeving en een heerlijk bed. Als afsluiter… heerlijk plant based keuken.