Today after the morning session during the Life-initiations week in Swiss, the following message came from my father. The subjects of that morning were attachments and conditionings that could hinder us in life.

Ha Bon, yes we are here with you and we would like to add something to this subject. We want to let you feel the love and oneness, which we truly are. The love here is so great that we don’t miss you, but we are really connected.
Love is synonymous with freedom. It’s like the Source, which has so much love for you to let you  create everything in your life, light as well as darkness. And in this creation is so much love.
The clouds symbolise the conditions, judgements, opinions and attachments that you learn in early life on Earth. From the Earth you only see the clouds and you are not aware that there is a world behind it. In this way you can also look at people and events happening on Earth. The clouds are the programming and only part of the view. Often grey, oppressive and something you really don’t want to see. Let the clouds of your thoughts, your habits, your conditioning and your wanting dissolve for now…Then what do you see?
Look at the world that lays behind your conditions? What do you see then in the eyes of the other?

Love Dad…

That’s it Bon,  not so easy to become aware of the world behind the clouds if you have never seen anything else but the clouds and have attached yourself to that. A different sky could make you scared. However, you can’t dissolve the clouds with willpower. You can dig in your memories, because the world behind the clouds, the real one, you already know. And when you remember this the pictures will appear and the clouds will make place for a completely different picture. Look at the other person and the events happening, look more deeply… ‘till the world behind it becomes visible to you.
Don’t put the clouds away, don’t ignore them, because you are already used to them, but look, look and see. The clouds are all your attachments, your opinions, your conditioning, in short….. your programming, by which you can’t see the reality behind it.
Contact with the Sun inside you will dissolve lets the clouds.
Contact with the truth makes all your misunderstandings and programming disappear.
How do you make contact with that Truth?
Go out of your mind, feel and make the connection with your deeper knowing or listen to our inspiration. We already live behind the clouds and see a lot more.

Thanks Dad.

Please share these messages

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